Monday, November 8, 2010

Yellow Cherry Tomatoes:

They are indeed, the best things ever.
Dear Caylie,
You have a smile that is only second in beauty to one thing, and that is your heart.
Now that we have the cheese out of the way... This blog has been kinda a fail a little bit. FAILBLOG! Caylie do you get that joke? I know that you're not a big internetter so you may not have. (Though you had seen double rainbow dude which made me super proud.)
Caylie: So really what is Failblog?
Me: Well Caylie, let me tell you! It's a hilarious site where people record stupid things that either themselves or other people have done. But I don't recommend it. It can get pretty dirty. As in, a lot of dirty.
Caylie: Oh... Well why do you read it?
Me: Oh I don't really read the stories much. Just look at the funny pictures.

I'm sorry Caylie if you are an avid Failblog follower, but I highly doubt that you'd like it.
Monday through Friday is the best sub-site. Poorly Dressed is funny too. Anyway...

Hug a muffin, lick a toaster, and don't wear your socks in the shower-
Peace off.

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