Saturday, September 25, 2010


Dear Caylie-
You are reading this now, but when I wrote it it was then. That better have made sense. Anyway, I miss you on this little webpage of coolness. It's a bore without you. I have tiny chickens in my brain right now. Do you know any good butchers?
Love always-
~Trogdor the Burninator

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A tragic (but temporary!) loss

Caylie, I'm afraid to tell you, is on one of her ex-technology binges right now. For one month's time, her lovely presence shall not be felt on this lovely blog. I am so sorry my blog reader. (Shout out to Emma!)
You know what? I'm going to write a quick little paragraph about this Emma I just shouted at. She has always been a devoted reader of Caylie's blog, and recently stumbled on this little nugget of goodness. I don't know this girl at all, but if she's cool enough to read these kinds of blogs then she is automatically awesome. There you are. You are now famous chickie-poo.
I call people random things a lot. Pet names you might say. Chickie-poo is one of these. Most of the time, I say bud. Someone texts me: Hey what's up? I will almost always reply: Hey bud! Not much... Just doing some [insert current homework]. You? So if you ever text me, that is what you shall get.
I have recently become a Nerdfighter. I leave you now with the words of wisdom, DFTBA.
~The one more likely to end up in a mental hospital

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just a Quickie

I had this wierd urge to blog right away. I cannot tell you why, though...I really don't have anything of slight importance to say. Right now, I'm sitting in the laundry room, where our lovely desktop computer rests. Normally, I'd be on my laptop, but we are having wireless issues. the first day of cross country! Hooray!

I feel like this rap that's been said between you and me (gracie and caylie) for months now should be put into writing at last. it is. The Gracie Caylie Rap? Made up at that life changing retreat where we realized we were made to be friends. Hahaha.

"Oh brother, it's my mother!
I'm a poet, didn't know it!
I can rhyme anytime!
OH SNAP, I can rap!"

Yup, this is said on a regular basis. Call it silly but...well, call it silly. Because that's what it is. That's what we are a lot of times. Other things that get said regularly with us?

"California, Connecticut, Massachusetts."
"Don't freak out!!"
"If I...were to my father'"
"Caylie, do you need help?"..."NO!"..."Tiiiim?!"...."NO!"
"7.78 seconds!!"

Gracie, you can add as many as you desire, because I know there are many more. We have spectacular times togther, you and me. Hey. I need to do chemistry.

-caylielane the dreamer.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ode to Mondarity...

Dear humans, aliens, and burgers at Wobble House-
Before I start this lovely post of silliness, let me say thank you Caylie. You made me blush in your last post. Well, not really. Cause I don't blush. But you made me smile! :D
I just realized that mondar has not been said in a long time. So I decided to bring it back. I'm in a strange mood, and because you don't know us, here is some info about the main men in our lives. Here are five facts about my boyfriend, followed by five about Caylie's, then five about both.
Scott first:
1. He wobbles. Sometimes literally, but mainly just his brain.
2. He hides his smartness with his wobbliness. He really is smart though. Ask me about it sometime.
3. His hair is in a constant state of poofiness.
4. He is covered head to toe in scars. (literally)
5. He may just be the most amazing, GOOD guy ever born.

Now Timbo:
1. He's my bruder. We are more typical siblings than real siblings.
2. He's just a good clean guy. In every way possible.
3. He is insanely cheesy romantic. But that's a good thing. Cause Caylie likes cheeseballs. (Which are gluten free!)
4. He can make even the most depressed person laugh and be happy. He's just that kind of guy. But he isn't silly. He's just awesome. :)
5. He doesn't like Mexican food. Neither does Caylie. Sign from God.

Now Both:
1. They have insane man love. The two of them are more of a couple than any of us.
2. They are the best two guys you'll ever find.
3. They are absolutely hilarious, wonderfully sweet, amazingly caring, and perfectly awesome.
4. We're a foursome. :)
5. God really, REALLY loves me and Caylie for making those guys.

Okay. There you go! A little background info on our fellers.
~The only one of us that would post something like this.

No, no you're not...

Ok, YES, i've failed at posting for the past...long time. but NO, you are not the only one using this blog. Why? It is OUR blog! Shared, therefore I shall be typing on it, like I'm doing right now. Last night I saw you before you went to cotillion, and I'm going to tell you right now that you looked...absolutely stunning. I do not say this in any form of a sarcastic manner. You are so beautiful, no matter what you're wearing. Add in that dress and Wow, gorgeous.

Hey, guess what? Church starts in 20 minutes. And guess what else? I'm the only one in my family that's ready to go. The only one that's even made it downstairs yet. Welcome to the Gillum home, rushing, rushing, forever late, but happy. That's what we are most of the time.

Tonight is a game night thing at the church, and we will party it up.

I have a new bracelet. It's so beautiful and I keep looking at it with happiness. And it's from Thailand. And it's from Tim. Pretty great, if you ask me.

Hmm. I want a rice cake.

hey, someone is coming downstairs right now! Bye!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Am I the only one that is using this blog?

Caylie where are you?! I miss you dearie! Please post something SOOOON!
Well I'm listening to Pandora... It kinda is ticking me off. You 'like' one song that drops the f-bomb and from then on it sends you absolute crap.
Anyway... I'm in the process of getting ready for cotillion. I am not the kind of girl who wears dresses and puts on sparkley makeup... So here I am looking in the mirror completely lost. I'm not going to bore you with the details of what I'm going to wear, what brands of makeup I'm putting on, etc. If you like that kind of stuff, stop reading. I disown you from my blog.
I can hear Caylie now... "No! Come back! I want you as my friend! I love EVERYONE!" But that's Caylie. Not me.
Sorry Caylie. I made you sound WAY too enthusiastic.
This was going to be long and deep, but I'm tired of typing. So I'll talk to you later internet people!
~Helplessly dressed up

Monday, September 6, 2010

You asked me a question...

And here is your answer.
Caylie, if you left the earth tonight here is how you would be remembered:
1. Everyone who has ever met you would remember your smile. Your smile lights up the whole state of Arkansas, heck it lights up the whole world. Screw the sun. We just need you.
2. Everyone would remember your joy. Everything around you is bright. You don't have a green thumb, you have fingerprints of smiles. Somehow... Even when I'm in one of my moods... You can turn it around and turn my tears and anger into laughter and happiness, all without even knowing what you've done.
3. We would remember your passion. You put your whole heart into everything you do. Be it acting on stage, listening to a good song, or loving on an unlovable child in Jamaica, you do everything you do to the fullest.
4. We would remember that you abstained from anything and everything that any decent granny would stay away from.
5. I would remember the look that Tim gives you every time you walk in a room, and the sparkle in his eye whenever I say your name.
6. I would remember you staying up with me anytime I needed to talk, even if you had six o'clock practice in the morning. (Whoo-hoo to no more volleyball!)
7. I would remember crying on your shoulder when I didn't know what to do about Scott.
8. I would remember you twirling my hair while watching movies at four in the morning with Tim at the lakehouse.
9. I would remember how proud you were the first time you made gluten free noodles, and how you kept going on and on about how good they were.
10. I would remember how even talking in your sleep... You didn't tell a single secret. Even when we would ask you a question, you'd say that you couldn't tell me.
11. I would remember you desperately searching for rice cakes in my pantry.
12. I would remember you carefully folding a note Tim gave you like it was the most precious thing in the world. Like... It was Tim you were putting in your pocket, not just a piece of paper with his thoughts on it.
13. I would remember your creative spirit. You made everything beautiful, even a paper plate. :)
14. I would remember how you always question motives. (Especially mine it seems... ) Anytime I say something, you ask questions. You want to know exactly what I feel and why I feel it. And it feels good to have someone understand me.
15. Everyone would remember your love of Cran-Grape juice.
16. I would remember being shocked that you like some screamo. Whaaaaaa?????
17. I would remember your ability to love everyone you came into contact with. (Except those pesky snakes... )
18. I would remember crying typing out this list, because even just the thought of you makes me that happy. I would also remember 100 Years very perfectly coming on while typing this. As we talk about our future and past, what more can you ask for?
19. I would remember lying in bed with you laughing so hard we cried when we barely knew each other at SOTO.
20. I would remember how much I love you.

What president had the slogan a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage?

When I clicked in the title thing, that was one option it automatically filled in for me. I semi remember typing that, and it just seemed like a good idea to use it. I bet you want to know which blogger this is. Well I'm not going to tell you.
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not Philippe! Stop telling me what to do!"
"Philippe!!!! You just told them!" **whines about life...**
Okay sorry. Philippe is my conscience. That RUDELY INTERRUPTED ME. He rolled his eyes at me! Humph. He just drives me crazy sometimes.
Right now I'm listening to Dave Matthews trying to figure out life. Yesterday, a woman name Mary who me and Caylie were both really close to passed away. Suddenly and without warning. One moment standing, the next on the ground. The realization part hasn't really sunk in yet. She always told me I was a little version of herself... And hearing her say that made me glow. She isn't really gone. I can't believe that she is. She's just gone for a little while. At least that's what my heart is trying to tell my head. I didn't know her near as long as Caylie did, but she came on a mission trip I went on and we got to be really close. She knew stuff about me that I didn't dare tell other people. Things most people still don't know.
Right now, life seems horrifically normal. No bombs have dropped. The ocean still is rolling in and kissing the shore. The sun is still giving off light, and the earth keeps spinning. I'd almost feel better if something miraculous or horrible happened, just because it seems right. She herself was a miracle, and the legacy she leaves is a miracle. It seems like she should exit with just as much as a bang as she came into this world with. Maybe she did though. There are crowds of people mourning the loss and giving thanks for the life. I can only hope that that many people will look up to me in the way that people still look up to her. So she may not be written in the history books. So what? She's forever going to be written in our hearts. And that's not something you can say about everyone.
I didn't mean to get into this much detail. But if I don't stop myself now, this post will blow itself bigger than the internet can handle.
I love Caylie, I loved and will continue to love Mary, and I love all of you brave and patient enough to read this blog. I love that each day will bring healing, and I love God for giving us that healing. Though our world is shattered, He's putting all the pieces together. Dave Matthews remarkably is getting me through this with a song called Baby...

Baby, it's alright 

Stop your crying 


Nothing is here to stay 

Everything has to begin and end 

A ship in a bottle won't sail 

All we can do is dream that the wind will blow us across the water 

A ship in a bottle set sail 

Baby, it's alright 

Stop your crying, now 

There was a weakling man 

Who dreamed he was strong as a hurricane 

A ship in a bottle set sail 

He took a deep breath and blew across the world 

He watched everything crumble 

Woke up a weakling again 

Some might tell you there's no hope in hell 

Just because they feel hopeless 

But you don't have to be a thing like that 

You be a ship in a bottle set sail 

Baby, it's alright 

Stop your crying, now 

It's alright 

So stop your crying, now 

Be a ship in a bottle set sail 
Thank you Mary, for teaching us all to be strong as a hurricane. You loved the unlovable, touched the untouchable, and ministered to those whose hearts were sealed shut. We shared a love of the show Lost, and in the words of Desmond: See you in the next life, sister. 

Explosion of Randomness: The First of Many

I just got back from Gracie's house. Yes, yes I did. We ate dinner. I ate gluten free, why? Because I'm a glutard.

Gracie- thanks for letting me borrow that blue nail polish. It shall be applied this very night. Unless I get sleepy.

I was going to show you that video...but I had to leave. Remind me to show it to you. (:

For anyone who has not seen Ramona and Beezus, you should. I went into it with my family thinking, "oh, this is something only my four year old brother will get enjoyment out of." False. Call me four, but I thought it was stinkin adorable. It was Very happy. And if something makes me happy, its lovable.

Did you know Cheetos are gluten free? I didn't until Gracie's mama informed me of that tonght. YIPPEE! Jellybeans are too. I like jellybeans. The ones that are popcorn flavored.

"It's not a food...and it's not a drink...smoothies are wierd!"


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Not the first post, but the first post from me

Hello fellow bloggers, blog readers, monkeys with computers, and students at Hogwarts~
Let me start out by saying- My pinky hurts. I sliced it on a can, and now it feels bloody aweful.
I spelled aweful wrong. But you know what? I like how I spelled it better.
Okay, we didn't say this on the 'about me' because it sounds too silly and Barbie, but both Caylie and I have boyfriends. Sorry fellas. I wouldn't have said that, but I rather miss mine at this moment. So fellow bloggers, blog readers, monkeys with computers, and students at Hogwarts, I did say it. So you can deal with it.
I'm watching a cooking show, and a fat Asian man was just talking about climbing mountains. I love Asians, and I love fat people. I already really like that man.
I'm not good at just typing out random things, and when I do I write it in a letter. So let me tell you the rudiments of the lovely lady know as Caylie....
1. Caylie is one of the most amazing women ever considered being conceived. End of story.
2. Caylie has one of the cutest little brothers of all time. He's my best friend.
3. Caylie is dating my brother. It makes me giggle with happiness when I think of it. I know she said I was an every child, but he's my brother. It's possible.
4. Caylie is a glutard. A rather extreme one. All I can say about that.
5. Caylie can sing like no one you've ever heard. I swear, angels don't cry when they hear her sing, they freakin jump off their clouds and commit suicide it's so beautiful.
6. Caylie is an Asian. And a granny. She is in fact, a Grasian Anny.
7. Caylie has a thing where 77 and 7 randomly pop up in her life. It happens so much it's crazy. And a little freaky.
8. Caylie is an insane photographer. Photos give her freakouts when they're good. So does music. It's funny to see her listen to a good song. It shows the world that there's still some happiness and goodness.
9. Caylie is just cute. End of story.
10. If it wasn't for Caylie, I would be a completely different person. Literally. She's shown me a lot, and I just hope that I may have blessed her a tenth of how much she has blessed me.
That's about all there is to it. We're just two friends who want to show the world a thing or two about what two girls can do. We have crazy lives, but who cares? We don't pretend to be perfect, and as you'll see I'm very far from it. We're both in love with the lives we've been given, and I wouldn't change a thing.
~The red-ish haired Gummy Bear

The First.

Welcome to Caylie and Gracie's blog! Caylie here. Gracie and have to understand...we have good times. There are many silly things that we do, say, think...and you shall learn many of them. Let me tell you a bit about Gracie. She is very beautiful. She has short brownish/redish hair. She is random, like me. She is an every child (we are not fans of the term "only child"). She's a fabulous guitar player. She is homeschooled, like me. She shares my opinion that homeschooling allows one to be more social, if they want to. She likes to talk. As do I. She has a cute house. She has two dogs, Maggie and Lola, that are fabulous. She has a certain sentimental face that she makes that is now referred to as the 'birthday face'. She loves Jesus very much.

When it comes to telling you about me...well...I'll start off by sharing my bucket list, and the rest will come in time. Before I die, I absolutely must:
1. Get married
2. Go to Paris
3. Have blonde hair
4. Spend six months in another state
5. Eat octopus
6. Own diamond earrings
7. Drive a convertible
8. Pierce my cartilige
9. Learn Jai-Ho (check!)
10. Go on a cruise
11. Go to Hawaii
12. Go to Africa
13. Go to South America
14. Win contest/sweepstakes
15. Make bread from scratch
16. Buy shoes over $200.
17. Ride segway (check!)
18. Act on television
19. Go skydiving
20. Go to New York.

There is a little bit about me. I have a good life, and I'm so blessed. I love rain, cran-grape juice, writing, people, and my powerful, faithful, sufficient God.

Thanks for reading the very first post! There shall be many more to come.

-euphoric granny by the name of Caylie.